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How to Accept God's Mercy

The truth is, accepting God's mercy is not easy because it first requires we see our need for his mercy. Culture has classified so much of our deviance as "individual expression" that many have become blinded to the need for mercy. It is easy to buy into the idea that a thing can't be wrong if it is merely an expression of identity. Therefore, accepting God's mercy requires we first see our sin for what it is. Romans 3 is a healthy place to start. Here we find Paul clearly defining sin. The entire chapter is a powerful reference , but verse 23 is summative. It says, "for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" The definition of sin is "falling short of God's glory."

What does it mean to fall short of God's glory?

According to Isaiah 43:7, God created us for his glory. Ephesians 2:10 puts it this way, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." We were created to be lights in darkness, sources of joy in sorrow and help to those in need. When we fall short of "good works," when we are not access points to God, we fall short of his glory. If my life looks nothing like God, I am not a bearer of His glory. This is sin and we are all guilty.

Why is falling short of God's glory sin?

Consider Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." When we fall short, we bring down those who are associated with us as well (just ask Adam). Conversely, our positive progress is not for our own benefit either. When we progress, our families progress. Our friend circle benefits. People who do not know us, but watch us from afar benefit and learn from our lives. We impact society and drive the directions of countries all based on our expression of God's glory.

What does this have to do with accepting God's Mercy?

When you see sin for what it is - not a critique of your behavior, but a neglection of a responsibility to influence and impact others - you understand the dire need for mercy. "My behavior caused someone else to fail. My behavior caused someone else not to believe. My behavior caused someone else to distance themselves from truth." How would you treat someone who negatively impacted your son or daughter? What would confronting that person look like? How do you think God feels? How should he respond to it? Instead, He responds with mercy and grants us space and opportunity to get it right - for HIS glory. We accept God's mercy because we know we need it and because with it, we gain opportunity.

1 Comment

Hello thank you sister Lawanda for sending me this because I needed this….im in this place where I know I want to live right develop a closer relationship with GOD . And I know the only way to do that is to feed your soul with his word everyday because evil is out there bad ready to take over your life and we need to read learn and apply the words of GOD in our everyday life in order to over come the evil in this world….my only problem is understanding the Bible like I want to because I Love the Lord and I try my best to live right and forgive those who harm me but I need to…


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